1. Visit our school, join open houses, have your questions answered and make an informed decision to enroll your child in Sunshine STEM Academy.
2. Complete an online application at http://apply.sunshineSTEM.academy
3. You will be contacted to schedule an assessment and interview date. Please bring the following to your appointment:
a) $50 application fee
b) Recent report cards
c) Recent Standardized and/or Nationally Normed Test Results (such as CRCT, ITBS, etc.)
d) Gifted documentation (if available)
e) Documentation of any school or academic team competition awards (if available)
f) Core Subject Teacher Evaluation Form needs to be received prior to your appointment date. Student’s teacher should submit this form online. Please provide following link to student’s teacher: http://TeacherRecommendation.SunshineSTEM.academy
4. You will be contacted within two days of your child’s assessment date about the admission status of your child.
Sunshine STEM Academy is committed to providing strong academics in Science Technology Engineering, and Math subjects. We foster creativity, innovation, and diversity. Our goal is to create well informed global citizens. In making our admissions decisions, the most important factors considered are:
1. Student grades
2. Previous class placement
3. Student standardized test and nationally norm test results (MAP/ITBS Score 60% or above in Reading and Math subjects)
4. Student’s Sunshine STEM Academy internal assessment results
5. Student/Parent Interview
Students attending Sunshine STEM Academy typically have these characteristics:
1. Students who originally attended a Georgia public school system and achieved an exceeding CRCT score in most subjects, especially Math & Science
2. Students that achieved a score 60 percentile or higher on Nationally normed test (ITBS, Stanford 9, MAP) in Math and Reading.
Sunshine enrolls students on a rolling basis based on our admission criteria; therefore, it is first come, first served, as long as the admission criteria are met.
To guarantee your spot, upon acceptance you must enroll and make your $1,000 deposit and $250 enrollment fee within 10 days.
After the current available spots are filled, new applications will be placed on the waiting list and invited if there are more openings after May 6, 2015
Sunshine STEM Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color or national origin in the administration of its educational policies, athletics, or other school-administered programs.
Note: Reasonable accommodations can be made for students provided parents take financial responsibility for additional services and the accommodations made do not interfere with classroom instruction and/or require additional staffing. (For example speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc.)